Redefining Relationship with In-Laws

  • Target January 01, 2009
  • Set on June 07, 2008
  • Countdown Expired

I married Richard after his first wife divorced him, the reason being that she found his parents possessive and nosey. I too found that to be true. However, Richard and I shared a good rapport and I wasn’t willing to throw in the towel yet. Initially, pleasing my in-laws was a Herculean task. Owing to health reasons, Richard was reluctant to pack them off to old homes.

Everyday was a struggle. But, I was determined to win their hearts. Juggling a career and keeping home was indeed a mammoth task, but I strove. I was cordial yet kept my distance. I served their food on time. I escorted Richard’s mom to the beautician every month. When she was hospitalized for her Asthma attacks, I held her hand each time she was afraid. In short, I played the role of a companion, nurse and pal to the hilt. Being devoid of expectations saw me through. I was ever giving, without expecting anything in return. In due course, they will view me as a trusted soul.

Semantic Analysis

richard, laws, redefining relationship



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