A terrorist attack during the recession(Terrorists or un-#known gangs)

  • Will take place on May 06, 2009
  • Predicted on February 10, 2009
  • Countdown Expired
  • Votes 0
  • Chance 50.0 %
  • Influence 174

I predict an orchistrated attack will occur during the recession in america. I predict either terrorists will come to United States and than wreck havok on banks via computer or they will start robbing banks or they will organize highly organized train and bus attacks. I also predict alot of stores will get robbed of scratch and wins in the next few years as well. Unsure of exact events cause it was all in a dream i had.


To seek revenge for something to do cause have no money. I dun relly noe much bout kause jus mde it all up.


New York,Dallas,Philidalphia,other unknowns LAT: 43.00 LONG: -75.50 RADIUS: 578


Terroirst wannabes or terrorists or unknown gangs

Semantic Analysis

united states



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Snapshot in Time

Lessons from History


  • Duration2 Months
  • Hits17197
  • Total Connections0
  • Total Comments0
  • Rating0.0
  • Predicted byRaymond Owens