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A terrorist will attack the UN secret service?

  • Will take place on June 06, 2914
  • Predicted on April 12, 2008
  • Countdown 889 Years Left
  • Votes 6
  • Chance 0.0 %
  • Influence 228

It will be carefully planned and it will be an inside job. AQ knows who for sure but somebody will sneak in with a pen and briefcase with enough to blow them up. The pen is the detenation device and the briefcase will hold the explosives. I think it will be Bin Laden Hiding in Russia and when russia needs to deal with the Un that is when he will strike. Bin Laden will be hiding in a cave in russia and will be told when to detinate it. Bin Laden will escape but will get killed by some guy related to the italian mafia. I think his real name is Fat Tony. Or something like Israel or LABAL MUFUIDEIAN.
I made it up and think it sounds kind of cheesy ! Might be a good movie though. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


earth LAT: 44.03 LONG: -94.07 RADIUS: 162



Semantic Analysis

bin laden, bin, laden, bin laden hiding, fat tony



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