China will surpass US as the world’s largest economy

  • Will take place on January 01, 2043
  • Predicted on June 07, 2008
  • Countdown 17 Years Left
  • Votes 11
  • Chance 81.8 %
  • Influence 413

Analysts will report within the next 25-30 yrs that China has passed US as the largest economy in the world. With a normal GDP of US $29300 billion, China will be ahead of US with more than US $500 billion.

China will then reign on the throne for about 30-40 yrs before the currently fastest growing economy India is likely to surpass them. China as the second most populous country in the world has a GDP per capita of US $20160 more than twice as much as India which is US $8180.


China LAT: 35.00 LONG: 105.00 RADIUS: 399

Semantic Analysis

us, china, gdp, largest economy


I think we will see a slow down in Chinese economy growth in the coming months. No economy can keep growing at that rate forever.

Marcel Montoya

If china's system change perfect,this thing will be come ture.


Wow! Such a long time frame for an economy that probably will catch and surpass the USA's in half that time? But then again, something may happen to slow the inevitable march towards global supremacy and methinks it will likely be the USA in a desperate attempt to slow the Chinese down. It also may be the Chinese themselves and they may stumble into a recession or two. You never know, so... uou may be right after all. It may indeed take 25 to 30 years for this to pass.

Kevin Larson

Sorry I can't agree with that.There is a chance for revolt against government in 5 years.Like Arabian countries.As a result economy will fall.There is no chance for a revolt in India so there is a chance.

Anup Chandran



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