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Computer that allows you to connect physically

  • Will take place on January 01, 2105
  • Predicted on June 27, 2008
  • Countdown 79 Years Left
  • Votes 0
  • Chance 50.0 %
  • Influence 197

After the Xerox machine that reproduces important documents on a fresh paper, the fax machine was invented, wherein, the sender’s paper with information is sent across to the recipient. Now, you can touch, feel and pass and receive books, gadgets etc across the pc! All you got to do is announce to your friend that you’d want to give them something like a book or cassette etc and press the button. And viola! You’ve delivered your present to your friend. You can shake hands, feel the temperature and even make long distant love! If there can be long distance marriage, long distant grand parenting why not long distance love making?

Semantic Analysis

long distance, long distant, long



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Snapshot in Time

Lessons from History


  • Duration96 Years
  • Hits19352
  • Total Connections0
  • Total Comments0
  • Rating0.0
  • Predicted byMiriam Zeringue