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Controlling Death

  • Will take place on January 01, 2150
  • Predicted on March 25, 2008
  • Countdown 124 Years Left
  • Votes 7
  • Chance 57.1 %
  • Influence 293

Since eons man has accepted death as inevitable and inescapable. At the most that man has done is postpone death with life supporting machines. But at the wake of the 22nd century, man has a choice. With space shuttles traveling to and fro the earth, man can communicate with his dead ancestors and even travel to meet them. With adequate research, man come sup with a formula to postpone death as long as he wishes!
Knowing when he will pass away from one realm to another, he has devised of a life supporter that takes care of his body and mind till he has achieved whatever he set out to achieve in one life. He can then decide when to leave the world and go on to another realm. Of course with the earth getting crowded with oldies, man has shifted base to other planets which he can visit whenever he wishes. So earth is for youngsters, the moon will be inhabited by oldies.

On the flip side, none mourns the departure of souls to different realms. Because, all can meet with the departed souls whenever they wish. The only folks who will shed a tear or two will be lovers who cannot re-unite with loved ones for a period of few weeks.

Semantic Analysis

postpone death, wishes, man, controlling death since


The question is - will I look very old or will I be able to rejuvenate myself?




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Snapshot in Time

Lessons from History


  • Duration141 Years
  • Hits25732
  • Total Connections1
  • Total Comments1
  • Rating0.0
  • Predicted byLeon Ray