Cooking Machine
- Will take place on January 01, 2012
- Predicted on March 25, 2008
- Countdown Expired
- Votes 2
- Chance 50.0 %
- Influence 221
Similar to its kin ‘the washing machine’ ‘the dishwasher’ and the sewing machine, the ‘cooking machine’ will be a boon gadget to women and chefs all around. This gadget comes with several buttons and features, that allows you to choose your menu from starters, to the main course to desserts!
If you choose a type of desert, all you need to do is load in the desired fruits, jelly etc and press freeze if you want it frozen. And presto, your desert with toppings, icings and crème will be ready in a jiffy! If it is a side dish that you need, simply load the machine with vegetables of your choice, even without peeling or chopping. At first, press the ‘clean’ button and your veggies will be cleansed. Then press ‘peel’ button and their skin will be peeled. Press ‘chop’ and the shape and size you want them to be chopped and yes, they will be chopped too. Load in the other tasters and in a span of half an hour, your dish will be ready with the garnishes.
While your gadget is doing chef work, you can in the meantime attend to other important work. And cooking will no more be an ordeal.
Semantic Analysis
cooking machine similar, machineConnections
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Snapshot in Time
Lessons from History
- Duration3 Years 9 Months
- Hits20869
- Total Connections0
- Total Comments1
- Rating0.0
- Predicted byLeon Ray