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Emergence of accident proof cars

  • Will take place on February 10, 2016
  • Predicted on March 31, 2008
  • Countdown Expired
  • Votes 4
  • Chance 50.0 %
  • Influence 228

Bang! There slams another car killing all the passengers on the spot. These are news that we practically read daily in the newspapers. Rash drivers, drunk drivers or maybe amateur drivers could be the cause for all these accounted accidents.

Statistics indicate that the frequency of accidents is increasing 2-3 times every year. The mortality rate is also growing owing to road accidents. To curb the occurrence of accidents car manufactures will make state of the art cars with specially designed buffers that will protect the cars from ramming into other vehicles. These buffers on the bumpers will be shock resistant. This will help cars to spin and lower the impact of the accidents. These will definitely be expensive but with a guarantee to safeguard your life.

Semantic Analysis

accidents, cars


What if the cars themselves collide?

Carrie Blalock

maybe they'll become accident proof, but not this way.

David MacInnis



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Snapshot in Time

Lessons from History


  • Duration7 Years 10 Months
  • Hits20963
  • Total Connections0
  • Total Comments2
  • Rating0.0
  • Predicted byCinthia