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President Commentary "Lipstick on a pig"

  • Will take place on November 01, 2008
  • Predicted on September 17, 2008
  • Countdown Expired
  • Votes 0
  • Chance 50.0 %
  • Influence 252

I think the lipstick on a pig comment actually might happen to a real life pig and that Obama will warship it when he becomes the actual leader. If he doesn't become president he will be the latest pet in the zoo in the pig department. I don't know. Maybe it will even make John Cena realize that the real pig is actually Batista and that he has no chance in a real match in any real Pig live wire games of any kind of political agenda. I hate politics and in reality who cares who makes the biggest political agenda comment for life of reality. I think they should have the Presidents on Doctor Phil saying " Who actually deserves a non demented political power of insanitary comments" Really. Who Cares. I think I would hire a Scarecrow from the wizard of Oz Than to elect a president who isn't aware of animal abuse and war of politics. PEACE.




Earth LAT: 44.03 LONG: -94.07 RADIUS: 162




Semantic Analysis

political agenda, pig, cares, doctor phil, john cena, oz than, president commentary, real



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Snapshot in Time

Lessons from History


  • Duration1 Month 14 Days
  • Hits24797
  • Total Connections0
  • Total Comments0
  • Rating0.0
  • Predicted byRaymond Owens