Recycled To Reusable

  • Will take place on November 01, 2009
  • Predicted on March 25, 2008
  • Countdown Expired
  • Votes 1
  • Chance 50.0 %
  • Influence 193

Papers and papers everywhere and not a single page to scribble! This is a common woe in most homes and offices. But not anymore! With advanced technology, we have been able to recycle paper and reuse it. But, now, you need not go through the elaborate process of recycling old paper and creating new.

If you feel you have scribbled enough and don’t need the information anymore, all you need to do is, to pass the used paper over the erasing machine and the old ink traces or pencil traces, letterings, even the imprint of old scrawl will vanish into thin air! You will be left with a brand new paper, in which you can scribble again to your heart’s content.

Semantic Analysis

recycled to reusable papers, paper



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