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Robot are history
- Will take place on January 01, 3015
- Predicted on June 05, 2008
- Countdown 989 Years Left
- Votes 54
- Chance 46.3 %
- Influence 602
The science of cloning has come a long way since it’d started in the 21st century. After a few hiccups (people were not satisfied with human or animal clones), scientists have now simultaneously cloned humans and animal. The result is not just satisfactory but simply superb. These clones are far superior to animals and yet, not the same as humans. They are actually talking animals. These talking animals (especially the ones cloned from wolves, dogs, tigers, panthers, horses) make excellent watchmen, companions for the old and physically challenged and even great baby sitters because of their natural instincts of protecting and nurturing.
planet earthBy
mankindSemantic Analysis
talking animalsConnections
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Snapshot in Time
Lessons from History
- Duration1 Millennium 6 Years
- Hits40909
- Total Connections0
- Total Comments3
- Rating2.0
- Predicted byJoshua Crum