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The earth will explode from within catching everybody offguard?
- Will take place on December 03, 3000
- Predicted on April 12, 2008
- Countdown 975 Years Left
- Votes 3
- Chance 50.0 %
- Influence 221
The earth will explode from within because the oil was cooling the earth's molten lava corr. That will be after greenland is destroyed from an unpredicted tsunami in the year 2347 8 26 112756 ET. That will cause earth's plates to shift and then the corr of middle earth will just BOOOOOOOOM. Poof. seist to exist !!!! and all its little humans will be
like toast in a toaster.
Earth LAT: 44.03 LONG: -94.07 RADIUS: 162By
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Snapshot in Time
Lessons from History
- Duration992 Years
- Hits20878
- Total Connections0
- Total Comments1
- Rating0.0
- Predicted byRaymond Alain William Owens