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Utopia Finally
- Will take place on December 01, 2987
- Predicted on June 17, 2008
- Countdown 962 Years Left
- Votes 2
- Chance 50.0 %
- Influence 207
How about a world where everything is free. Countries, especially the powerful ones, are making sure they share their resources and produces with the poor countries, without charging a dime. As a result, there comes a time, when every individual in the world is self-sufficient and does not have to worry about the basic necessities of life like food, shelter and clothing. Everything is freely available and for free. If people are working, examples-pilots, teachers, writers, technicians, actors, etc, they are doing it out of good will and self-satisfaction. No hunger, no hate, no poverty, no jealousy………! now this can be called a very fair tale .
planet earthBy
everyoneSemantic Analysis
free, utopia finally howConnections
End of world hunger
24 Years LeftSecond Ice Age
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ExpiredOutsourcing third world countries
ExpiredIndia will be more populous than China
4 Years 9 Months LeftThe 2nd Armageddon
ExpiredThe 2nd Armageddon
ExpiredIf Barack Obama wins, freedom of speech in America will be taken away
Expiredthe US will get the first president with red hair
ExpiredThe Return of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection of the Believers!
Snapshot in Time
Lessons from History
- Duration979 Years
- Hits19642
- Total Connections0
- Total Comments1
- Rating1.0
- Predicted byJackson