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paint on solar panels will be a stock item
- Will take place on January 01, 2020
- Predicted on July 21, 2014
- Countdown Expired
- Votes 0
- Chance 50.0 %
- Influence 132
Quite simply any surface such as a roof or walkway can be painted in any of a range of colours that allow absorbtion of light sufficient to generate a current. This is easily collected by fixing induction coils or even passing them over capacitance points that are fixed into the surface.
The paint would be in two or more layers designed to be failsafe so that damaged areas are unable to conduct current to the exposed areas.
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Snapshot in Time
Lessons from History
- Duration5 Years 5 Months
- Hits12940
- Total Connections0
- Total Comments0
- Rating0.0
- Predicted byRichard Griffiths