50.0% Chance
The concept of human "work" is phased out
The concept of human "work" is phased out.
User collected quotes
50.0% Chance
The concept of human "work" is phased out.
50.0% Chance
A true "space drive" is developed. The first humans are sent out to nearby star systems already visited by robots.
50.0% Chance
Artificial Intelligence reaches human levels. There are now two intelligent species on Earth, one biological, and one no...
50.0% Chance
There is a meteorite impact on Earth.
50.0% Chance
All nuclear weapons are destroyed.
40.0% Chance
A city in a third world country is devastated by an atomic bomb explosion.
50.0% Chance
Large scale burning of fossil fuels is resumed to replace carbon dioxide.
50.0% Chance
Space flights become available for the public.
50.0% Chance
All existing currencies are abolished. A universal currency is adopted based on the "megawatt hour."
50.0% Chance
The first human landing on Mars is achieved. There is an unpleasant surprise.
50.0% Chance
The automobile industry is given five years to replace fossil fuels.
50.0% Chance
Clean low-power fuel involving a new energy source, possibly based on cold fusion.
50.0% Chance
Complete control of matter at the atomic level is achieved.
50.0% Chance
Prince Harry flies in space.
50.0% Chance
First publicly admitted human clone.
50.0% Chance
Despite protests against "big brother," ubiquitous monitoring eliminates many forms of criminal activity.
50.0% Chance
A new form of space-based energy is adopted.
50.0% Chance
Hunter gatherer societies are recreated.
50.0% Chance
Last coal mine closed.
50.0% Chance
Brain research leads to an understanding of all human senses. Full immersion virtual reality becomes available. The user...
50.0% Chance
Dinosaurs are cloned from fragments of DNA. A dinosaur zoo opens in Florida.
50.0% Chance
The return of Haley's comet is visited by humans.
50.0% Chance
50.0% Chance
A universal replicator based on nanotechnology is now able to create any object from gourmet meals to diamonds. The only...