44.8% Chance
Bush predicts GOP will hold White House
President Bush predicted Monday that voters will replace him with a Republican president who will "keep up the fight" in...
44.8% Chance
President Bush predicted Monday that voters will replace him with a Republican president who will "keep up the fight" in...
9.4% Chance
Neither Clinton or Obama will receive enough votes to secure the democratic nomination. The democratic national conv...
60.0% Chance
Hillary Clinton will win the Pennsylvania Democratic primary on April 22.
50.0% Chance
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, seeking support from labor union members in New Jersey, vowed Monday to ma...
57.1% Chance
I predict John McCain will win the election and become the next president of the United States.
45.5% Chance
the founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, said global warming is "the greatest scam in history" http://icecap...
66.7% Chance
R.Giuliani has a serious shot at the VP slot.
14.3% Chance
Obama will pick Oprah as his running mate
50.0% Chance
Jeb Bush will run for President either in 2012 or 2016 depending on who gets elected in 08. (This is not a prediction...
50.0% Chance
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama recalled paying off his own mountain of student loan debt and promised st...