50.0% Chance
Genius’ Brains Preserved
With the world wanting more and more geniuses, brains and DNA codes of geniuses will be preserved after their death. For...
50.0% Chance
With the world wanting more and more geniuses, brains and DNA codes of geniuses will be preserved after their death. For...
50.0% Chance
With Angelina Jolie going on a charity mission adopting several orphans, orphanages will be wiped out from the face of t...
50.0% Chance
Why don’t Asian countries put a bunch of [a whole lot of] people on planes and ship them to Norway or Iceland or to some...
80.0% Chance
Surgeries to have heavier boobs, shapely noses, pouted lips and younger faces are the trend followed by the rich and fam...
50.0% Chance
Knowledge that is non-intuitive and can be learnt by rote, eg, learning different languages, exam preparation, etc will ...
50.0% Chance
Population explosion, corruption and poverty being the bane of third world countries, the underdeveloped countries remai...
50.0% Chance
Imagine an apple as big as a pumpkin! Yes, and imagine if tomatoes are as big as water melons then how big will the wate...
50.0% Chance
Due to the steady increase in the average heights of humans over the last few centuries, the average man and woman will ...