44.8% Chance
Bush predicts GOP will hold White House
President Bush predicted Monday that voters will replace him with a Republican president who will "keep up the fight" in...
44.8% Chance
President Bush predicted Monday that voters will replace him with a Republican president who will "keep up the fight" in...
60.0% Chance
Hillary Clinton will win the Pennsylvania Democratic primary on April 22.
57.4% Chance
Sen. John McCain envisions that by 2013, the Iraq war will be won, but the threat from the Taliban in Afghanistan won't ...
64.7% Chance
Rupert Murdoch offered a dire prediction Wednesday for John McCain's chances in the general election. He will lose in...
16.7% Chance
I predict McCain will win in november because he has the experience and leadership abilities to be President.
50.0% Chance
It will be years- not in my time- before a woman will become Prime Minister
50.0% Chance
The Republicans working on the gas will gain seats back due to the fact that this has been the worse conggress in the hi...
50.0% Chance
De borgerligas politik att sätta så många som möjligt i arbete grusas av deras övriga politik som skapar enorma klyftor ...
50.0% Chance
De borgerligas politik att sätta så många som möjligt i arbete grusas av deras övriga politik som skapar enorma klyftor ...
50.0% Chance
Former President Bill Clinton said Thursday he thinks that Barack Obama will win big in the upcoming presidential electi...