McCain will be president

  • Will take place on November 01, 2008
  • Predicted on June 09, 2008
  • Countdown Expired
  • Votes 7
  • Chance 57.1 %
  • Influence 254

I predict John McCain will win the election and become the next president of the United States.


US LAT: 39.76 LONG: -98.50 RADIUS: 911


John McCain

Semantic Analysis

mccain, john mccain, united states


I concur


This will only come to pass if Obama's assassinated, he is mutilated horribly or he makes a series of (more than 3) colossal mistakes politically within the same month. We have all seen him bounce back from near-disastrous political mistakes before so it stands to reason, he'd have to mess up horribly.

McCain's election machine is still too unorganized, he's still not a magnate for people, he has not "spark", no "energetic appeal" as he used to years ago. He's probably going to have to pick a high-profile VP like C. Rice or R.Guliani to actually start drawing voter appeal his way again.

Then again, it's only July when I write this. Plenty of time for McCain to get things right. But, it's hard to believe that when after having months and months of headwind on Obama, he is already stalling out.

We'll see, but I doubt this prediction will pass.

Kevin Larson



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