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Oil prices will surpass $100
- Will take place on January 01, 2009
- Predicted on July 12, 2007
- Countdown Expired
- Votes 11
- Chance 81.8 %
- Influence 271
Oil prices will pass $100 by the end of 2008 due to high demand and low supply.
Gas prices will surpass $4 nation average.
supply shortageWhere
Everywhere LAT: -23.40 LONG: 28.15 RADIUS: 20Semantic Analysis
oil pricesConnections
Oil prices will surpass $100
Child Connection - Expired
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ExpiredCounterfeiting of currency will proliferate
ExpiredRoad in air to curb traffic
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Expired$200 oil prediction
ExpiredChina will surpass US as the world’s largest economy
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Expired$200 oil prediction
ExpiredDrill for oil
Snapshot in Time
Lessons from History
- Duration1 Year 5 Months
- Hits22655
- Total Connections1
- Total Comments0
- Rating0.0
- Predicted byHanson Paulsen