50.0% Chance
Brain research leads to an understanding of all human senses
Brain research leads to an understanding of all human senses. Full immersion virtual reality becomes available. The user...
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50.0% Chance
Brain research leads to an understanding of all human senses. Full immersion virtual reality becomes available. The user...
68.8% Chance
Globalization and technological innovation are driving this increased prosperity. But challenges to prosperity will also...
50.0% Chance
The cost to humanity of its religions has finally been deemed too high, a third world war comes very very close and glob...
50.0% Chance
Rather than primary centralised control centres, self driving vehicles talk to each other to inform each other of hazard...
50.0% Chance
Penrose & Hameroff end up with a Nobel prize for their Orchestrated objective reduction theory as the model is validated...
50.0% Chance
The global warming effects will reach a climax. Buildings will collapse, humans will not withstand the heat. People will...
50.0% Chance
Dinosaurs are cloned from fragments of DNA. A dinosaur zoo opens in Florida.
50.0% Chance
By 2025 there will be a new political organization in Europe, in the US, much different from nowadays, new forms of clea...
50.0% Chance
Scientists will soon claim that the snowcap will be completely gone from the top of the highest mountain in Africa, Mt K...
50.0% Chance
I predict a shootout between Police and Hostage takers. I predict a restuarant will be held Hostage. I think it would be...
50.0% Chance
People will be compelled to learn about and study the religion of Islam, particularly the Qur'an, because of the growing...
50.0% Chance
First working day of the new year the stock markets will crash: Monday, January 4, 2021.